Getting Ready: Are You Ready to Learn Online?
Are You Ready To Be an Online Student?
For more detailed information about participating in online classes read below:
Online Course Requirements
An online course typically will require more reading and writing than a face-to-face course. A typical week in an online class may require you to:
- Read/watch/listen to the week's assignments and lecture materials
- Read the textbook or other articles assigned
- Participate in multiple discussion boards with classmates both written and audio or video recorded.
- Post blogs or journal responses.
- Complete any other assignments, including quizzes or exams.
Characteristics of a Successful Online Student
- Independent Learner--if you require immediate feedback, online learning may not be right for you.
- Self-Motivated--if you require someone looking over your shoulder to get you to work, online learning may not be right for you.
- Proficient Reader and Writer--if you feel you are lacking in basic reading and writing skills, remember that an online course requires lots of both reading and writing.
- Deadline-Oriented--if you tend to procrastinate or put work off to the last minute, online learning may not be right for you. Online students must meet published deadlines and online instructors rarely allow for late work.
- Take Responsibility for the Learning Process--successful online students seek out tools and knowledge to help them accomplish their goals. If every time you get stuck on something you have to wait for someone to tell you the answer, online learning may not be right for you.
So, Are You Ready to Learn Online? Take the Survey
Take a quick Self-Assessment Survey below to help you determine what technical and study skills are needed to succeed in an online class. Find out what skills or technical areas could be strengthened so that you can gain the most from your online learning experience.
You may want to print out your results and discuss them with a college counselor.
Ready for online courses? Links to an external site.
Online learning questionnaire Links to an external site.
Go to the next page for a great set of Online Student Readiness Tutorials prepared specifically for California Community College students like you.