Special Services: Accessibility, Counseling, Tutoring

Special Services 

Peralta offers many services and programs to support student success. If you are a participant in any of the programs below, you'll find information on how to continue your services at each respective link. 

District Accessibility Programs and Services

Accessibility counselors and staff will not be available--for in-office visits or via phone--during a campus closure. However, you may still contact them by email, as outlined below:

Academic Counseling 

To continue receiving academic counseling, you also may reach out to your counselor via email:

Online Tutoring and Free Tutorials

On-campus tutors will be unavailable during the campus closure. However, online tutoring is available through NetTutor for all classes at Peralta. Contact your instructor for more information.

Beyond the online tutoring services, you may also want to use free tutorials such as the following: