Technology: Plugins & Software


  • Flash - Flash Links to an external site. is required for recording audio and video in the Canvas Rich Content Editor. Other than these features, Flash is not required to use most areas of Canvas. Please note that some browsers may no longer support Flash.
  • Java - The Java plug-in Links to an external site. is required for screen sharing in Conferences. Please note that some browsers do not support Java. Otherwise, there are no other browser plug-ins used by Canvas.
  • JavaScript must be enabled to run Canvas.


  • Adobe Reader is necessary for reading PDF files downloaded from your course. Most browsers already have a PDF reader add on. However, if you do not have Adobe Reader, you may download a free version here Links to an external site..
  • A good text editor for preparing written work. There are many paid and free options:
    • Microsoft Word is available now for free with your Peralta email account. When you log in to the Portal, you will see the link to "Word" and "Office Desk Install." You can use Word online or download it to your desktop.
    • Your Peralta Student Email Links to an external site. provides free Microsoft applications (like Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) to use inside your email account where you can also save and store files (much like Google Docs). This is called OneDrive.
    • Google Docs Links to an external site. from your Gmail account.
    • Use Notepad on PC or Gedit on Mac (although this is just text, no formatting)
    • Search for other text editors.

Screen Readers: