Using Canvas: Important Tips for Canvas Usage

Using Canvas with Desktop and Laptop Computers

  • Select "Home" at the top of the course menu (on the left) to return to the home page from anywhere in this course.
  • Use the "Next" and "Previous" buttons at the bottoms of pages to move between pages.
  • Modules is similar to Moodle "Weeks" or "Topics", and contains pages, assignments, quizzes, links, or other items that are grouped together.

Using Canvas with Mobile Devices

Canvas has a FREE app for Android and iPhone that normally works a lot better than accessing Canvas through the internet browser on your phone
  • Use Modules for a list of the topics, and expand these to see the contents.
  • The "Next" and "Previous" buttons at the bottoms of pages are not visible on mobile devices (8/2017)
  • For more information on using Canvas on your mobile device, please see:

Browsers to Use

Do not use Internet Explorer or Edge with Canvas because sometimes the 'Submit' assignment button won't appear. Use Firefox, Chrome or Safari. Have at least two browsers installed on your computer. Keep Adobe Flash, Java, and browsers updated.

Check Out the "What If" Grade

As a student, you can check your grades based on "What If" scores, so you can see how your grade might be for the upcoming assignment by typing in different scores. Go into your "Grades" and change the grade for any hypothetical item. For more, see "What If" scores. Links to an external site.

Don't Miss Assignment Feedback 

Look for the feedback or speech icons next to assignments. Here you can see feedback and
comments from your instructor. For a list of what these icons represent, click here Links to an external site.. Make sure not to miss the “View Feedback” button that may appear to assignments that you’ve uploaded. For more about “View Feedback” click here. Links to an external site.

Set Your Preferences

Do you want a text notification when your Instructor grades your assignment? Do you want an email sent to your Gmail account when a due date changes? Do you want these notifications ASAP or only once a day? Canvas allows you to set things up exactly the way you want them so take advantage of it! Click on Account (your photo) then select Notifications. Click here for more information about setting your preferences. Links to an external site.

Typing a Significant Response to Discussion, Quizzes, Assignments or Textbox

Always make sure to copy what you've typed and paste it into a word document (or notepad) before clicking the submit button. Why do this? There's always a chance that you could lose what you've typed. By saving it before you submit it you've got a backup of all your hard work. If using Word or if the formatting of the text looks bad, you can use the clear formatting tool in the text box editor

Embedding Images into a Discussion Reply 

Do not try to copy/paste. Use the embed image icon on the toolbar. For more information on how to embed images in a discussion reply click here. Links to an external site.

Getting an Error Message or Problem With Canvas

Take a screen shot of it from your computer (or with your cellphone) and email this picture to your Instructor or Canvas Support when you report the problem. Having the picture of exactly what you are seeing or the exact error message can really help when trying to troubleshoot an issue.

Download All of Your Assignments at Once

There is a quick and easy way to download all the assignment files you've submitted to
Canvas. If you plan on leaving the university and want all of your assignments, you can download them all at once. Click here for more information on how to download your assignment submissions.  Links to an external site.

Organize Your Dashboard

When you log in, you will see many different courses on your dashboard. You can adjust which courses you want to appear there. Go to: How to show only your current courses on your Dashboard Links to an external site.

Where to Get Help

You have several options for getting help getting comfortable with using Canvas. First, try the Help icon
in the lower left of your Canvas window. Here you can search for topics, submit a help ticket, or ask questions via 24/7 phone support. You will find up-to-date student guides for all the main features in Canvas Links to an external site.