This material should be about 1.5 lectures
If you are running behind (ie you are starting after 10/14) You may want to watch starting from the part 3 - blood types video first and to the end, then go back to the first video. Blood types are the major conceptual part and tends to be more challenging.
Learning Objectives
- Know the functions of blood
- Know the composition of blood and their respective functions
- plasma with factor proteins
- Formed elements (RBCs, WBCs, platelets)
- Know the composition & structure of RBCs
- Carbonic anhydrase
- bioconcave
- concave
- Hb
- Know the composition of Hb (Protein(globin), Heme, Iron)
- Know how to calculate formed element / plasma proportions by hematocrit / by hemacytometer
- Know the path of hematopoiesis & erythropoiesis
- know the regulation of erythropoiesis
- Know how Hb is broken down
- Know the Anemias
- know the steps of hemostasis
- Know how undesirable blot clots are normally prevented
- Know what thromboembolytic disorders are
- Know what the bleeding disorders are
- know what blood types mean / are
- know what antibodies are and what antibodies are present given a blood type
- know how to blood type
- Be able to give compatible blood types
- know what hemolytic disease of the newborn is, the conditions for it, and the treatment for it
- Hypoxia
- hemorrhagic
- hemolytic
- aplastic
- pernicious
- sickle cell
- Vit B12
- thrombin
- heparin
- Aspririn
- thrombus
- embolus
- pulmonary & cerebral emboli
- petechiae
Blood pt 1: Composition
Blood pt 2: Hemostasis
Blood pt 3: Blood types (FYI - I start of saying blood fusion, I mean TRANSfusion)
Blood pt 4: Composition
Blood pt 5: Hemolytic Disease of the newborn