Course Syllabus
Course Overview
Course Code and Semester: Physics 4B, Class Number 40940, Fall 2018
Course Description: Comprehensive study of major topics of physics: Thermodynamics, electric forces and fields, magnetic forces and fields, electricity, and AC and DC circuits. (Satisfies COA AA/AS area 1; CSU area B1 and B3; IGETC area 5A and 5C; transferable to CSU and UC)
Prerequisites: Physics 4A and Math 3B
Co-requisite: Math 3C
Who should take this course?
- Intended physical science and engineering major students
- Interested students who wish to learn how calculus is used to describe the physical theory of electromagnetism.
If you are taking Physics 4B to meet a transfer requirement, please check with your transfer institution and department for appropriateness. Physics 4B is the second semester of three-semester calculus-based general physics. Most physical science and engineering majors require Physics 4B; biological science majors may wish to explore Physics 3 sequence, which is two semesters of calculus-based general physics.
Student Learning Outcomes
- Students discuss and apply the concepts of physics.
- Students develop descriptions of physical systems using mathematics and calculate measurable quantities.
- Students set up laboratory equipment safely, plan and carry out experimental procedures, identify possible sources of error, reduce and interpret data, and prepare clear written reports.
Instructor Information
Hi! My name is Andrew Park. The best way to contact me for course-related matters is through Canvas Conversations tool (for non-course matters, best way is by email: You will hear from me regularly throughout the semester, usually through the Course Announcements. If you need to talk (rather than write) to me individually, please see office hour information below. |
Lab Sessions
This hybrid course has online lecture section and face-to-face lab section. We will meet once a week on Tuesdays in ATLAN 100 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:20 p.m., for a total of 16 times in the semester. The majority of these times (12) will be used for lab, either physical lab with equipment or worksheet lab. Some of these times (3) will be used for midterm exams. The very first meeting is used for course orientation, demonstration of the course website, and working on mechanics review problems.
Office Hours
Online office hours are held on Slack. Sign up at using your Peralta email address. The hours are held online Wednesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 7 p.m. ConferZoom meeting can be set up through Slack, if video conferencing is needed.
Face-to-face office hours are held from 2 to 4 p.m. on Mondays in ATLAN 120 and on Fridays in ATLAN 100. Both ATLAN 100 and 120 are in Peralta Science Annex (street address: 860 Atlantic Ave., Alameda, CA). During face-to-face office hours, I am also available on Slack (face-to-face office hours double as online office hours).
If these hours do not work, please email me to arrange another time. I usually respond to emails within 24 hours, and often sooner.
Course Materials
Great News! Your textbook for this class is free! (Or about $35, if you want to purchase a new hardcover copy.)
Required Textbook
University Physics, Volume 2 from OpenStax is the required textbook for this class. You can view this textbook online on OpenStax website or download a PDF. Print copies are also available for purchase at the COA bookstore and for checkout at the COA library reserve desk.
Visit for all the different ways you can access this textbook.
You will also see sections of the textbook embedded into Canvas.
Additional Resources
Additional learning resources may be posted throughout the semester. For a quick overview of all the resources available for this class, look at Textbook and Additional Resources.
Important Notes
There will be three midterm exams (Exams 1, 2, and 3) and one comprehensive, cumulative final exam. Exams account for 60% of your grade. Note the days for midterm exams (held in class during a lecture or lab section) and the date and time for the final exam (held during the final exams week) in the Course Calendar. Talk to me as soon as possible about any potential, unavoidable schedule conflicts.
ADA Accommodation
Students who may need accommodation for their disabilities are encouraged to contact Disabled Students Program and Services (available in Room D-117 or by phone, 510-748-2328) as soon as possible in the semester so that reasonable (and legally-mandated) accommodations may be made. Usual accommodations made include extended exam time and/or transcription service. Most students with a diagnosed learning disability (such as ADHD or ADD) are eligible. If you are not sure whether you are eligible, please check with a DSPS counselor. The details regarding the nature of your disability are confidential and not shared with your instructor.
Instructor's personal note: In my experience, many students who should have utilized DSPS service do not use them and suffer consequences academically. The goal of DSPS (and ADA in general) is that you should be judged on your ability, not disability. For those students who are eligible, DSPS accommodation is what will help you express your full potential (not a special treatment or something to be stigmatized against).
Talk to a DSPS counselor today; the worst that can happen is they will tell you you are not eligible and you wasted a little bit of time.
Tutoring and Academic Support
Physics tutors are usually available in Tutorial Center in the Math Lab on the 2nd floor of the Learning Resources Center (LRC). Register for the free COA course, Learning Resources LRNRE 501, 24 hours in advance of using any tutoring services. Physics tutoring is also available at MESA center in ATLAN 125.
Online tutoring: Following services had been available in the past, but I had trouble verifying their availability for Physics 4B this semester. I am providing this information on AS-IS basis, but please do let me know if it worked or didn't work for you.
- Please see the flyer for Summer 2018 (to be updated for Fall 2018 when updated flyer available).
- NetTutor: You can access it through "Online Tutoring" link on the sidebar. This is a new program available through California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative. Please let me know how it worked/didn't work for you.
Tips for Success in Physics 4B
Follow these advices to maximize your chance of success in this class.
First, here's a little bit on my grading approach. My goal in grading is to reward two things: (1) the effort you put into this class, and (2) your understanding of laws of physics. If you want to just pass this class, I have a good news: my goal is to pass every student who stays engaged with the course to the end of the semester, and so far, I have not failed. But most of you will want to do better than a C.
So, how do you get a B or an A in this class?
The only way to do that is to demonstrate that you can solve problems involving a physical situation, like an engineer or a scientist might. In some sense, it’s the same thing you had to do in your first semester of engineering physics, and the same problem-solving techniques you have been using will continue to apply (and some resources will be provided for individual and group reviews of these). Physics 4B is best approached as a continuation of Physics 4A: you are learning new laws of physics (thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, etc.), while continuing to apply problem-solving techniques from previous physics courses and continuing to develop new intuition for new laws of physics.
So, how do you excel in this class? Here's what you need to do:
- First, realize that this hybrid class (fully online lecture, face-to-face lab) requires more self-discipline and integrity, as well as a level of comfort with technology, than face-to-face classes do. Set aside a time to regularly work on the assigned readings and problems, and be proactive in contacting me if you have any issues with Canvas, or any other technologies being used for the class. (Read more: Orientation to Online Learning; and don't miss labs!)
- Second, get your reading done early. We move at a pace of about one chapter each week. This is about 20 pages per week of dense, technical reading. Some of you might get this done in 30 minutes; some may need 2 hours. After you are done reading, you still have lecture videos to watch and homework problems to work on (estimated at about 6 hours per week).
- Third, practice solving problems. This is where you should spend those 6 hours/week of study time. For your problem-solving practice, the most important resource available to you are the homework problems. The homework problems represent the topics covered and emphasized in this class, as well as the difficulty level of the problems you should be able to do after studying. I am available online and in person during office hours to help when you get stuck.
That’s enough advice to start with. In lecture videos (and homework assignments), I will emphasize key physical laws you need to know, point out common conceptual mistakes, and problem-solving techniques to simplify problems—alongside the examples of physical intuition you should continue to develop as an engineer or a scientist.
I believe it is possible not only for every one of you to pass this class but also for everyone to do so with a grade of B or better—all that is needed is for you to have a little bit of self-discipline and to put in a consistent effort.
Calendar and Assignments
This course syllabus is hosted on Canvas which makes the calendar and upcoming assignment available to you at one glance (as well as schedule of topics for the whole semester). Please look on your right for the calendar of assignments and course events (or go to your Canvas Calendar), as well as weighting of assignments for your course grade. Please look below for summary of course assignments. Fine-print details are below—I encourage you to read through them (this is our contract for the semester), but I will remind you of anything that is important.
The Fine Print - Course Policies
Please read on for the full listing of course policy. If you would rather skip it, that is fine; I will remind you of anything that is important.
- Registration: After the last day to register for classes (see Course Calendar), you must be registered in the class in order for you to receive credit. No students can be added after this date.
- Attendance: Please come ready to work at the beginning of every lab class. Instructor may drop a student if the number of unexcused absences exceeds 2 (number of times the class meets in two weeks; refer to pg. 31 of College of Alameda 2017-2019 catalog for the college policy on attendance). Lecture portion is online and no face-to-face attendance is required for the lecture portion of class.
- Participation: Every student is expected to fully participate as a member of a group during lab. As the saying goes, "physics is not a spectator sport." By participating, you will: (1) learn much better, (2) contribute to the community of physics learners, and (3) be fair to your group mates.
- Disruptions: Please take care of your personal needs before class, and please turn off cell phones and other communication devices and put them in your bag. Keep group discussions at a reasonable volume, and be respectful of your classmates. Please see pg. 237-238 of College of Alameda 2017-2019 catalog for student standards of conduct. (In short, please act like an adult.)
- Academic Integrity: Everything you turn in must be your own work. If you use sources other than the textbook, please clearly cite it and give credit where it is due. Allowing another student to copy your own work also constitutes academic dishonesty (there is a fine line between group collaboration and dishonest copying of others' work; I will help you see it, as needed). Please refer to pg. 237-246 of College of Alameda 2017-2019 catalog for the college policy on academic dishonesty and possible disciplinary measures.
- Schedule Subject to Change: Assignment and exam schedules are subject to change. Any changes will be announced through Canvas.
- Late Assignments: All assignments are due on the date noted. Canvas will accept late submissions on essay or discussion assignments (the instructor reserves right to grade late submissions in appropriate cases). MyOpenMath assignments must be extended using a "late pass". Twelve late passes are given at the beginning of semester, and each late pass extends a MyOpenMath assignment deadline by 72 hours. Exams will be extended only in rare circumstances arising out of a situation beyond the student's control.
Allowed/Prohibited Items During Exams:
- Allowed: calculators without communication capability, limited notes (usually an index card for midterms and a letter-size page for final), paper-bound foreign language dictionaries, writing instruments (pencil and pen), and a water bottle.
- Prohibited: communication devices of any kind (cell phones, pagers, etc.), electronic devices other than a calculator, English-to-English dictionaries or any other books including the textbook.
Holistic Grading Rubric: A holistic grading scale is used for grading an essay or freeform-answer questions.
- 5 (out of 5 points possible): "Excellent understanding." The student clearly understands how to solve the problems; one or two minor mistakes can appear on a “5” solution, if they don’t lead to larger conceptual errors.
- 4: "Good understanding." The student understands the main concepts and problem-solving techniques but is missing one major concept, or made one major mistake that may involve conceptual misunderstanding.
- 3: "Fair understanding." The student started to set up the solution and is on the right track of applying the problem-solving techniques but is several major steps (or mistakes) away from being able to solve it.
- 2: "Poor understanding." The student jots down some formulas from memory that may be relevant to the problem but shows little conceptual understanding of how they should be used.
- 1: "No understanding." The student writes down something that has something to do with the problem.
- 0: "Blank." Blank answers.
Course Assignment Weights: assignments (including exams) count for your overall course grade in following proportions (Note: During the semester, Midterm Exams may appear to have 60% on Canvas; this is only to provide an accurate final grade estimate, assuming your Final Exam is similar to your Midterm Exams. The weights used after conclusion of semester are as below):
- Homework Assignments (20%): weekly problem sets completed online on Canvas, and some peer-graded essay questions.
- Labs (20%): write-ups for about 12 physical labs and worksheet labs throughout the semester, completed in class.
- Midterm Exams (40%): three (3) midterm exams throughout the semester
- Final Exam (20%): one (1) comprehensive final exam during the finals week
Course Grading Scale: The letter grades are assigned following this course grade scale:
- A: 85 to 100%
- B: 70 to 85%
- C: 50 to 70%
- D: 40 to 50%
- F: below 40%
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |