How to submit census rosters


What is Processing Census?

Processing Census is a function within Campus Solutions (under Faculty Center) where faculty secure who will be enrolled in a particular course for a particular term, at the start of the term.

Quickstart Guide 

Log in to Campus Solutions at: Links to an external site.  (this is a different URL from other PeopleSoft resources)

    1. Enter your User ID - use the same User ID used in PROMT (usually a first initial and last name and does not include
    2. Enter your Password - use the same password used in PROMT
    3. Select "Sign In" 

Once you are logged in: 

  1. Using the drop down arrow at the top center of the page, select Faculty Center.
  2. Select the tile, also called, "Faculty Center"
  3. Select "My Schedule" from the left hand menu
  4. You will land on the term that you last viewed in Faculty Center
  5. You can change the term you view by clicking Image of Change Term button
    • Select the term you want to view
    • Click Continue
  6. Scroll down to view your courses
  7. Locate the Roster Icon Roster icon-1.png
    1. NOTE: If your class includes a lab, click on the lab roster. Except Biology, Chemistry, and Physics classes. These classes will find the Census Roster in the Lecture portion of the class.
    2. The Drop Date column becomes available
      1. If the Drop Date column is not available, check the dates for your Census Roster in the To Do Box.
    3. To drop a student:
      1. Select the NONE link corresponding to the student to be dropped. 
      2. In the pop up window, select Drop or No Show, then click the Ok button.
        Select None.png  
    4.  After all drops are completed, go to the To Do Box located at the top of the class roster
      Clcik Census Date.png  
    5. Click the OK button in the Submit Census Roster pop-up window
      Approve Census.png  
  8. To perform another function, utilize the left and menu, back button (top left), or Home icon (top right)
  9. To sign out, locate the three little dots on the top right and select, "Sign out"

Download this Quickstart Guide

Coming 2/16/2021

Video Tutorial

Coming 2/16/2021

Subsequent pages have Quickstart Guides for common functions; you can access these topics by clicking "next" below or by clicking a specific topic. 

  1. Faculty Center Overview
  2. How to view my schedule
  3. How to view class rosters
  4. How to access student contact information 
  5. How to view waitlists and permission codes 
  6. How to submit census rosters
  7. How to submit attendance verification rosters
  8. How to enter positive attendance data 
  9. How to submit grades 
  10. How to use Curriculum Management (Department Chair access required)

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