How to view My Payroll Information


What Payroll information is available to me?

From the Payroll page in the Human Capital Management System (under Employee Self Service) you can access pay and tax information, and complete W-2 consent forms. 

Quickstart Guide - View My Payroll Information

Payroll information is part of Employee Self Service in the Human Capital Management module of PeopleSoft.

Log in at: Links to an external site.  (this is a different URL from other PeopleSoft resources)

    1. Enter your User ID - use the same User ID used in PROMT (usually a first initial and last name and does not include
    2. Enter your Password - use the same password used in PROMT
    3. Select "Sign In" 

Once you are logged in: 

  1. Using the drop down arrow at the top center of the page, select Employee Self Service.
  2. Click the Payroll tile to access the Payroll page
  3. From the Payroll page you will see several more tiles, each with their own functions:
    1. Paychecks - you can view current and previous pay stubs
    2. W-2/W-2c Forms - you can view current and previous W-2s

      Payroll Page

      Screen Shot 2021-08-04 at 10.22.45 AM.png   

  1. You can navigate back using the back button Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 5.57.11 PM.png  (top left)
  2. You can return to the Employee Self Service page by clicking the home button Screen Shot 2021-02-03 at 5.55.56 PM.png  (top right)

When you are done, select the "three dots" on the top right of any page and Select "Sign Out"

Download a PDF Quickstart Guide Here Download Here

Video Tutorial - there is currently no video tutorial

Subsequent pages have Quickstart Guides for other common functions in the Human Capitol Management System::

  1. How to view & edit My Personal Details 
  2. How to view My Benefit Details 

Click here if you need help